Drive. Improve. Earn.
At Meta Drive, we believe that by harnessing the power tools of Web 3.0, we can foster a safer driving experience, ultimately saving thousands of lives.

A "Drive to Earn" app enabling our drivers to generate passive income for accurate and safe driving based on our Driver Score measurements, NFTs, and GameFi algorithms.

Meta Drive

Earn with Meta Drive
Select and purchase the car you'd like to drive
Upgrade your car's (NFT) attributes, and fill up with virtual fuel/energy
Follow real-life drives while meeting select criteria within our Driver Score system
Earn rewards in Meta Drive tokens
Driver Score Technology
Meta Drive App utilizes your location to analyze parameters such as acceleration, braking, and speed.

With this data, along with your driving time, Meta Drive assigns a rating to each trip. This rating determines the size of the rewards for our drivers in our native tokens, $DRW/$MDT.

The Meta Drive app calculates a Drive Score rating that ranges from 0 to 100.
Garage for car tuning
Car wash service
Car workshop
Fuel station
Weekly competition
Personal adventure
Driver’s Universe
Dive into a driver's universe that will make you feel the joy of driving while gamifying your everyday driver experience.
Drive along the built route, evolve and win rewards.
Garage for car tuning
Car wash service
Car workshop
Fuel station
Weekly competition
Personal adventure
Driver’s Universe
Dive into a driver's universe that will make you feel the joy of driving while gamifying your everyday driver experience.
Drive along the built route, evolve and win rewards.
Tuning garage
Customize your car NFTs in the garage for car tuning.
Car wash
Take advantage of our car wash service to increase your chances of selling your NFT on the marketplace.
Don't neglect repairs for your virtual car. If you don't repair your car in time after driving, your car's HP limit may decrease. Visit the car workshop for repairs.
Fuel station
Need more rewards and opportunities to drive? Stop by the fuel station to purchase extra fuel.
Think you have what it takes to be the best driver in our community? Compete with other players to earn extra rewards.
Pesronal Adventure
Unlock new achievements by completing special game tasks designed by us and our partners in personal adventure mode.
Minimize accidents on the road
Educate yourself and save people near you
Enjoy the many benefits of Meta Drive
Gamify your driving experience
Save money at the pump
Boost your car's attributes with select avatars
Always making sure the speakers are playing just the right song, the Performer always makes sure to sing along.
Fuel tank capacity multiplier
Performance multiplier
Base effect on attributes:
The Navigator always finds their way with an extensive knowledge of surrounding locales, never relying on the help of GPS.
Fuel Economy multiplier
Base effect on attributes:
Eco-friendliness multiplier
The Neat Freak keeps their interior and exterior spotless and shining. Even a blacklight will come up empty- handed in what is guaranteed to be the cleanest car on the road.
Neat Freak
Wear and tear multiplier
Base effect on attributes:
Eco-friendliness multiplier
The Racer prides themselves on their pristine driving record. The safety and comfort of their passengers is their #1 priority.
Wear and tear multiplier
Base effect on attributes:
Eco-friendliness multiplier
Performance multiplier
Virtual Driver Pass NFT
Virtual Driver Pass helps you to build a path to extra perks and discounts on auto-related expenses.
Average Driver Score 50%
Average Driver Score 65%
Average Driver Score 80%
100.000 $MDT
Fuel Stations
Become a fuel baron, and supply extra fuel to other drivers.
Required to stake:
from the sale of extra fuel are distributed amongst fuel station owners, thereby allowing owners to earn additional profits.
Fuel station owners
receive a given amount of extra fuel/energy for further distribution to other users.
Lab Code
Development of information systems of any complexity.
Games and gamification. The leading company in digital product creation.
Visionary roadmap
Implemented mechanism to collect car movement parameters (latitude, longitude, time) every second of a driver’s movement
test avatar, demonstrating a variable impact to the driver’s trip
test car and trip to implement the Driver Score calculation mechanism
the ability to view incoming and outgoing transactions with BNB token (transaction name, date, number of tokens, link to BscScan with completed transaction)
send function of BNB token to a wallet address with a defined, accompanying network fee
eceiving data from the blockchain provider
ability to view and track wallet balance
QR code generation from wallet address
Created database ER diagram
Created database ER diagram
Implemented in-app navigation
Connected Binance Smart Chain testnet
function to create a custodial wallet by seed phrase (WEB3 authentication)
wallet protection mechanism (pin code) to secure a user’s wallet
password recovery via user email
user registration by email/nickname and password (WEB2 authentication)
Designed cross-platform prototype (50+ screens)
Development of smart contract architecture, including NFT cars and Rolling Bones avatars, $MDT, $DRW, marketplace 721/1155, deployer and verifier
App release to Testflight for iOS and APK file for Android
Design of mobile application interfaces
project tokenomics and white paper
intermediate art options for NFTs
customer journey flow
technical documentation
game balance prototype and mathematical model
Development of:
Calculation of project sustainability based on microeconomic indicators inclusive of three user cohorts
Conceptual formation of Meta Drive project’s core algorithms, game, and game scenarios
Issued first car for trip testing and collecting geolocation data of the driver
Conducted test trips to collect data for the calculation of an optimal driver score
Added the ability to edit email, password, and nickname data in a user’s account
Formulas updated to the car’s basic metadata (Performance, Wear and Tear, Eco-Friendliness, Fuel Economy Fuel Tank Capacity) and user's earnings limits
Formation of business and marketing departments for the expanded development of the project within the ecosystem of NFT projects
Formation of development team, including programmers, analysts, and testers
Preparation of technical requirements for the development team
Outlined business requirements for application, smart contract, marketplace, and wallet developments
Preparation of ToR, including functional and non-functional requirements for Meta Drive
Commenced development under a sprint approach, with refreshed versions every two weeks (including testing)
Visionary roadmap
Formation of business and marketing departments for the expanded development of the project within the ecosystem of NFT projects
Formulas updated to the car’s basic metadata (Performance, Wear and Tear, Eco-Friendliness, Fuel Economy Fuel Tank Capacity) and user's earnings limits
Added the ability to edit email, password, and nickname data in a user’s account
Conducted test trips to collect data for the calculation of an optimal driver score
Issued first car for trip testing and collecting geolocation data of the driver
Implemented mechanism to collect car movement parameters (latitude, longitude, time) every second of a driver’s movement
test avatar, demonstrating a variable impact to the driver’s trip
test car and trip to implement the Driver Score calculation mechanism
the ability to view incoming and outgoing transactions with BNB token (transaction name, date, number of tokens, link to BscScan with completed transaction)
send function of BNB token to a wallet address with a defined, accompanying network fee
eceiving data from the blockchain provider
ability to view and track wallet balance
QR code generation from wallet address
Created database ER diagram
Created database ER diagram
Implemented in-app navigation
Connected Binance Smart Chain testnet
function to create a custodial wallet by seed phrase (WEB3 authentication)
wallet protection mechanism (pin code) to secure a user’s wallet
password recovery via user email
user registration by email/nickname and password (WEB2 authentication)
Designed cross-platform prototype (50+ screens)
Development of smart contract architecture, including NFT cars and Rolling Bones avatars, $MDT, $DRW, marketplace 721/1155, deployer and verifier
App release to Testflight for iOS and APK file for Android
Design of mobile application interfaces
project tokenomics and white paper
intermediate art options for NFTs
customer journey flow
technical documentation
game balance prototype and mathematical model
Development of:
Calculation of project sustainability based on microeconomic indicators inclusive of three user cohorts
Conceptual formation of Meta Drive project’s core algorithms, game, and game scenarios
Commenced development under a sprint approach, with refreshed versions every two weeks (including testing)
Preparation of ToR, including functional and non-functional requirements for Meta Drive
Outlined business requirements for application, smart contract, marketplace, and wallet developments
Preparation of technical requirements for the development team
Formation of development team, including programmers, analysts, and testers
Meta Drive Tokenomics
Drive Well Token ($DRW)
Supply: Unlimited
Car minting
Car rarity type improvement
Cars leveling up and accelerating this process
Fuel/energy limit increase
Commission for wallet operations
Purchase of extra fuel / energy
Hard Currency
Car minting
Car leveling up at certain levels
Redistribution of attribute points within rerolling base values
Increasing daily $DRW earnings limit through the increase of fuel/energy conversions
Car upgrades
Meta Drive Token ($MDT)
Supply: 2.5 billion
Soft Currency
Meta Drive Tokenomics
Drive Well Token ($DRW)
Supply: Unlimited
Car minting
Car rarity type improvement
Cars leveling up and accelerating this process
Fuel/energy limit increase
Commission for wallet operations
Purchase of extra fuel / energy
Hard Currency
Car minting
Car leveling up at certain levels
Redistribution of attribute points within rerolling base values
Increasing daily $DRW earnings limit through the increase of fuel/energy conversions
Car upgrades
Meta Drive Token ($MDT)
Supply: 2.5 billion
Soft Currency